Georg Aigner

Coming to us from Austria, Georg Aigner enjoys challenging himself to



Thomas Bossi (AKA Unggle Thomi) lives on the beautiful lake of Zürich and spends most of his time on his mountain bike. He started filming rides for FulGaz as a way of continuing his training indoors during the winter months.

This ride features the opening stage of the Tour de Suisse 2022.

Tell us about this ride?

This is the opening stage of the Tour de Suisse 2022 and passes directly in front of my house, and hey, not only once but four times. I’m excited to watch the Pros and wanted to experience the ride myself.

What’s your favourite ride to do in the real world?

I haven’t done it yet, but hopefully will do it soon: “The Many Hills Show” on my mountain bike. The ride starts with a ferry ride across the Lake of Zürich and over the Albis ridges. You then pass through Baden and back over several hills, through Zürich to Küsnacht. The ride will give my Strava account a huge boost of 130 km and 4000 m HD! The Slickrock Trail and the trails around Moab are also top of the list.

Favourite FulGaz ride & why?

I haven’t tried out too many rides on FulGaz (just joined) but so far, I am amazed by the video quality and realistic gradients –  fantastic! I enjoyed Zion National Park Scenic Canyon and Zion National Park West Tunnel. It brings back good memories of my trip to the USA in 2019: looking at the landscape, it’s amazing!

How did you start filming rides for FulGaz?

I always wanted to contribute rides to platforms like FulGaz to continue riding my training routes in winter on the home trainer.

Favourite cycling memory?

A lot of past races in Switzerland and abroad with Mountain Bike Orienteering.

Dream bike or favourite bike?

Well, an M2 from Stoll, a local manufacturer in Switzerland, is still on the list, but I’m facing a problem that many bikers can probably relate to: according to my wife I have to get rid of at least of one my bikes before I am allowed to buy a new one!

You can view Thomas’s collection on the FulGaz app by searching “Thomas.”

Follow Thomas on Strava.