Train.Red SmO2 now connects to FulGaz App.

FulGaz is thrilled to announce that TrainRed’s Muscle Oxygen Sensors can now be connected via Bluetooth within the FulGaz app.

TrainRed is a compact wearable sensor that tracks muscle oxygen levels (SmO2) in athletes’ muscles during exercise. When wearing a TrainRed sensor and using FulGaz, athletes will now be able to see their Sm02 levels in real-time. 

SmO2% reflects the balance between oxygen delivery and oxygen consumption in the muscles, allowing you to optimize your training and achieve better results. 

TrainRed is useful in regulating training intensity during interval training, optimizing warm-ups, guiding recovery training, and evaluating muscle performance. It can also help athletes determine which aspect of their physiology is limiting performance or endurance.

To utilize this feature, ensure that your TrainRed device is switched on and within range of your device. From the device connections screen, simply select the device, and during your ride, your SmO2 levels will be displayed.

After your ride, this information is exported as part of the .fit file to help you analyze your performance.

For those seeking a competitive edge in their training, FulGaz also connects to the CORE Body Temperature monitoring device.